Where love and passion never fades!



My Garden's Roses

Making pattern designs is where I unleash my creativity. Where I can finally utilise the myriad of drawings that I made and still make for years, inspired by the beauty of our nature.


Painting has been my passion since I was a child.
In my paintings I try to express how I feel in that moment inspired by a beautiful flower or a sweet bird.
I'm inspired by the world around me.


My work

My work is a progress which starts from the initial sketches and drawings to a creation of a watercolour piece in which I research the right colour pallete for the final product which is an original repeated pattern.

Pink Flower Drawing-01
Pink Flower Watercolor-01

…Let’s chat!

About Paola Portello

Paola Portello, Graphics Designer and Painter, after completing her studies at the ‘Giovanni Sello” art school in Udine – Italy, she worked 6 years for ” Mazzoli Art Printing company”.

At the same time Paola was producing paintings, which she exhibited in local and international Art Shows and  she was working as a freelance painter doing Trompe l’oeil for reataurants, night clubs and coffee shops.

In the 90’s Paola moved to London to pursue her love for art.

She strated working in the fashion design industry and she is now the Director of the well known Hampstead Bazaar Ltd.

She currently lives in Epsom ( the outskirts of London) with her family and  dog.

Paola’s passion for art has never faded away and she can still find the time to produce works of art that you can enjoy in this website.

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